November 20, 2013

New Poll: Majority Support For Marijuana Reform In Indiana

November 20, 2013
indiana marijuana house bill hb 1006

indiana marijuana hoosiers surveyThere is a new 2013 Hoosiers Survey out, and as with last year, they asked voters if they support marijuana reform. And once again, a majority of participants in the poll supported legalizing marijuana. Per the 2013 Hoosiers Survey:

Last year the Hoosier Survey found that 53% of Hoosiers supported decriminalizing marijuana by making it legal to hold small quantities. This year we asked about making marijuana a regulated substance like alcohol and tobacco. Hoosiers support this change, 52% to 45%–very similar to last year’s results. Democrats were very supportive of this (64%), but even Republicans showed support at 49%. When asked if Indiana should tax marijuana like cigarettes, support rose to 78% among all Hoosiers, with virtually no variation by party.

When asked if we should tax marijuana like cigarettes, support rose to 78% with virtually no differences by party affiliation.

Rather than name states that have polls showing support for marijuana reform, isn’t it easier now to name states that don’t? Are there even any states left? Well, maybe Idaho. There has been a lot of talk lately about regulating marijuana like alcohol. Will we hear more people arguing to regulate marijuana like tobacco? Do you feel that’s a better strategy?

I don’t like that strategy because it could result in cigarette companies entering the marijuana industry, and I don’t want that at all. Also, I have always thought about the marijuana industry looking like the micro brew industry, rather than corporate run industries like tobacco or large alcohol companies. If you are in Indiana, get active. Point to this poll over, and over, and over to anyone that is on the fence about marijuana reform.


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