July 24, 2010

TWB Interview: Watermelon Never Looked So Good

July 24, 2010
CC Watermelon

An educated stoner is a scary stoner to an American conservative. In 2007 a movie out called The Union: The Business of Getting High. This movie is guaranteed to fill your head with facts and figures for tomorrow’s argument with an anti-smoker. It also covers the trials and tribulations of the law and those who have been succumbed to it i.e. everyone’s favorite mad man Marc Emery to the year stint that Tommy Chong had to serve after the DEA threatened his family.

Also in the movie is a mad woman. She is the marijuana Martha Stewart (who might I add is a hell of a lot sexier) known as Watermelon/ Melon Girl/ or Auntie Melon. If I wasn’t married with six kids I would presently have a Canadian restraining order. As soft as she is on the eyes her baked goods will leave you just that, baked. From a lineage a bakers she’s applied her skills to something we all love, marijuana.

I wrote Ms.Watermelon and asked her a few questions for TWB.

TWB: Ms. Melon I’ve really enjoyed your cooking videos on https://www.bakingafoolofmyself.com, how long have you been baking with marijuana?

Auntie Melon: I have been baking with marijuana for 16 years.

TWB: What made you decide to sell your special goodies on a clothing optional beach?

Auntie Melon: I decided to sell cookies on the clothing optional beach because that is the only local beach I go to and there is a subculture down there that accepts that kind of behavior.

TWB: Out of all of your endeavors actress/comedian/baker which one are you most passionate about?

Auntie Melon: I am most passionate about Freeing The WEED!” of course.

TWB: Lady Gaga. Yes or no?

Auntie Melon: To be honest I have never heard any of her songs. I don’t watch TV or listen to popular radio. I live in my own special world of freedom and creativity.

Love and Lightening

Thank you Ms. Melon for taking the time to answer some light hearted questions. We wish you nothing the best here from TWB. Ms. Melon is just another reason to defect to Canada besides their lenient marijuana laws.

So if you’re looking to learn how to bake with marijuana go to https://www.bakingafoolofmyself.com and learn a little something something and if you can donate so the knowledge can continue.


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