February 21, 2013

Chemeketa Students For Sensible Drug Policy Hosting Event Today In Oregon

February 21, 2013
oregon ssdp drug policy activism boot camp

oregon students for sensible drug policy chemeketaLearn about the state of marijuana legislation in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and other states that are moving forward with their own cannabis legislation. Get info about Oregon’s Medical Marijuana laws, what Oregon could gain through legalization of marijuana, and what the legalization of marijuana in Washington State means for Oregonians.

Feb 21st (Thursday) Can’t make one? Just come to another. We will presenting every hour. 10am, 11am, 12pm, and 1pm. Each will last about 40 mins. In the Multicultural Center Bldg 2-177A

Who are we?

This is the Chemeketa Chapter of the Students for Sensible Drug Policy. We are a subset of the only international network of students dedicated to ending the war on drugs. At heart, SSDP is a grassroots organization, led by a student-run board of directors. We create change by bringing young people together and creating safe spaces for students of all political and ideological stripes to have honest conversations about drugs and drug policy. Founded in 1998, SSDP comprises thousands of members at hundreds of campuses in countries around the globe.

Somos parte de la única red internacional de estudiantes dedicada a poner fin a la guerra contra las drogas. Plenamente, SSDP es una movimiento popular, dirigido por una junta de directores que se compone de estudiantes. Nostros hacemos la diferencia cuando juntamos a la gente joven y proveemos medios sanos para que estudiantes de todoas las ideologias politicas sin importar partido o color puedan tener dialgos honestos acerca de las drogas y de la politca que se emplea hacia las mismas. Fundado en el 1998, SSPD se compromisa de miles de miembros provinientes de centientos de naciones de todas partes del mundo.


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