April 26, 2012

Herojuana OG Strain Review And Pictures

April 26, 2012
herojuana og marijuana strain

Herojuana OG Strain

We are going to try something new in today’s strain highlight. As usual, there are some fantastic photos below. Herojuana, you are my hero :) I would like to introduce Tang and Gil to TWB readers. I’m sure many of you have already been following them at WeedMaps.tv, but for those of you that haven’t, there are two main things you need to know. Number one, yes, they literally do this for a job.

Number two, the guy on the left (Tang) is one of my friends from Southern California, and he is afraid to face me at arcade games. At the High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in Denver the WeedMaps patient’s lounge had arcade games present, and despite Tang’s repeated trash talk leading up to the event, he had to act like he was ‘working’ so he didn’t have to face me at Street Fighter 2. Sorry for the side rant, but what’s the point of having a blog if you can’t hassle your friends every now and again right?


herojuana og marijuana strain

herojuana og marijuana strain

Green Cure Patients Association

herojuana og marijuana strain

herojuana og marijuana strain


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