November 15, 2013

Participate In A Marijuana Research Project

November 15, 2013
washington state marijuana survey

synthetic cannabis real research projectOne of the most common questions that I get is ‘how can I participate in a marijuana study?’ Well now you have your chance. I was contacted by a Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student at Bowling Green State University to see if I would know anyone that would participate in her study. She is essentially researching synthetic cannabis medicines versus real cannabis. Below are more details of the research project. If you would like to participate, or learn more, click here:

• Your participation will involve answering a series of questions regarding what you expect to happen if you used botanical marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids. You will also be asked to answer some basic questions about any history of drug use, and a few background characteristics. I anticipate that answering all of the questions will take approximately 15-20 minutes.

• You are eligible to participate if you are at least 18 years old and living in the United States. Although I am interested in outcome expectancies and motivations for botanical marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids, you do not need to have ever used these substances to answer the survey questions.

• The benefits of participating include helping to provide a better understanding of outcome expectancies and motivations for use of botanical marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids.

Click here to participate in the survey


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